United Church Women
The United Church Women are affiliated with the Women’s Inter-church Council of Canada and through the National UCW a woman is appointed to the Council for a three year term. WICC provides the December 06: Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women and World Day of Pray services, plus much more. http://www.wicc.org/
Trinity’s United Church Women Executive
Trinity’s UCW President: Brenda Swan (Sitting Left)
Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council President: Linda Stronski (Sitting Right)
Trinity’s Vice President: Betty Lou Kempt (Standing Left)
Trinity’s Secretary: Jan Montgomery (Standing Centre)
Trinity’s Treasurer: Janine Hanna (Standing Right)
National President:
Conference President:
As women of faith,
We believe in nurturing Christian spirituality
by reaching out
through commitment and devotion
to all God’s people
in the promotion of truth, justice, peace,
caring, and respect
for all throughout the earth, God’s world;
We believe in honouring God the Creator,
and loving others through generous giving
and joyful living;
And we believe in affirming and
strengthening ourselves
both individually and together
through creative study, prayer, and action.
Mission Statement
Love God
Foster Christian commitment, faithfulness, and spirituality.
Promote respect and love for all God’s creation.
To unite women of the
congregation for the total
mission of the church and to
be a means by which we
may express our loyalty and
devotion to Jesus Christ
in Christian witness, study,
fellowship, and service.
How do I become a member of the UCW? Membership is open to any woman who is in agreement with the Purpose of the United Church Women, and who is willing to participate on a regular basis with her prayers, gifts, and services for the work of the church in the world.
Contact Information:
Contact with questions regarding the UCW can be made through the Church Office at 613-283-4444